Ask a Lawyer: Landlord/Tenant Law

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Non-Renewal of Lease

Sarah Janzen (Calgary)

I have a specific question that I cannot find the answer to on Google.

If a tenant complains to the landlord about something and is ignored repeatedly, eventually, they inform the landlord that they don't want to have to get arbitration involved.

This then results in the landlord immediately informing the tenant that they will not be renewing the yearly lease when it expires.

It was clearly in retaliation, but because enough time was given and it wasn't early termination of the lease, does it matter?

The tenant was standing up for their human rights and got a notice of non-renewal because of it.

Can the landlord legally refuse to renew the lease as a form of punishment?


0 8 months ago - edited 8 months ago

Andrew Green (Fort McMurray)

It sounds as if you had a fixed-term one-year lease. Sometimes leases auto-renew or change to a month-to-month if no one takes action. A clause like this could change the advice. You should closely look at the termination clause of the lease. You have also mentioned human rights. This could also change the advice depending on specific circumstances.

However, in general, if a lease is going to end naturally, there is nothing a tenant can do to force the landlord to renew.

0 7 months ago

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