Ask a Lawyer: Insolvency, Bankruptcy, and Foreclosures

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Back to Insolvency, Bankruptcy, and Foreclosures

Sue wrongful Foreclosure

Lisa Machut (Edmonton )

I was able to save my home from foreclosing, but during the process many legal rules were broken costing me a good sum of money. To begin with the house should never have been in the forclosure process, per the judge and my case involved family violence.

Is there anything I can do to recouped some of the costs?

0 12 months ago

Anonymous Lawyer (Edmonton)
   Verified Lawyer

Because lawyers need sufficient information to be able to provide an opinion, and to be able to ask you questions (which usually means at least a half-hour consultation), the lawyers here can only provide basic information and answer very general questions. Please contact a lawyer directly through the Search to seek assistance with your matter. Thank you for your understanding.

0 12 months ago

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