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Partition and Sale of jointly owned property

Tanya (Calgary)

My grandmother died intestate in 2017. My uncle, who has always lived with my grandmother assumed that he alone would inherit her Calgary home, and was livid when my brother and I each inherited a quarter. When he was doing the land title transfer, he left my brother and me off the title claiming "the lawyer told him to" requiring us to get a lawyer to have it changed.

We have tried to let him live in peace and the only thing we asked was that he carry insurance which we were named as co-owners. That never happened.

Over a year ago, we proposed a rental agreement where he would pay us a very reasonable amount of rent. From that amount, we were willing to deduct half of the property taxed and pay for insurance out of the rest. We were completely ignored.

We tried sending an appraiser to value the property but my uncle wouldn't answer the door...
The house is going to fall into ruin. We already got sent a notice that we were going to be fined if the shoveling wasn't done.

Now, we just want to sell the property. We made him a very fair offer and got nothing back so I'd like to move ahead to force the sale. Are we able to do this? Neither my brother or I have a lot of money to pay for lawyers but I don't know if this is something we can do on our own.

I don't know if it's important to know but my uncle has never lived anywhere else and he has had a very good job for 40 years. He is NOT destitute by any means.

Any advice would be appreciated.

0 8 months ago

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