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Getting an order on someone

Maureen Knoblauch (Town of Spirit River)

Can I get an order put on someone so they stay away from my house? Me and my daughter have been run out of our home while this girl has been staying in my home with my boyfriend. She will not leave and it’s caused me and my daughter to be in distress. All of our things are there and I’m on the lease plus the bills are in my name. I need to do something. This isn’t right and I feel helpless

0 66 days ago

Reena Herian - Accord Family Law (Edmonton)
   Society President

To discuss how to obtain a restraining order, you may call the Court Forms Information Coordinator
Telephone: 780-415-0404
Located at: 8124 John E. Brownlee Building, 10365 – 97 Street, Edmonton
Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:15am – 4:00pm
Staff can provide information on court procedures, programs, and services. They can
provide court forms and answer questions regarding the forms, but will not assist you in filling out the court forms.

0 66 days ago

Dawn Nelson - Dawn L. Nelson, Barrister & Solicitor (Edmonton)
   Verified Lawyer

There are approximately nine different types of court orders to keep one person away from another. It depends on the proximity of the relationship and urgency of the situation.

There is a lack of information here, though, to be able to properly direct you to the right remedy. Although a restraining order MIGHT be an option, that type of order requires an element of violence or imminent risk of harm. If this person is just annoying and essentially "squatting" in your home, making you uncomfortable, you may need to consider other options.

Is this "girl" related to your boyfriend? Is she a minor? Is your boyfriend on the lease with you?

I would recommend you contact a lawyer and go over the specific details of your situation to get an idea of which type of court order is right for you.

0 65 days ago

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